Frequently Asked Questions
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When individuals are arrested, they and their families are generally unfamiliar with the process to get out of jail. Let us help.
Bail is the amount of money the judge sets to allow a person to get out of jail before an arraignment or preliminary hearing. The bail amount is determined by these factors:
- Type of charge and the severity charges
- Any prior failures to appear in court after being released on bail
- The defendant’s criminal record
- The defendant’s community connections
- The likelihood of the defendant appearing in court (i.e.: are they considered a flight-risk, or are they going to leave town)
These are the most common types of bail releases:
- Cash Bail
- Surety Bond
- Property Bond
- Partially Secured
Payment is required prior to posting bail.
We understand that the unexpected cost of a Bail Bond is more than the amount of cash most people typically have on hand. At First Call Bail Bonds, we provide confidential consultations to work with you to find your best options.
We accept:
- cash,
- cashier’s checks,
- and all major credit cards.
We also offer various payment options to help you, your family members, or others in your life, to obtain a bail bond.
Yes, you may pay the jail directly. For a defendant to be released on cash bail, you must post the full amount of the bail with the court in the form of cash or cashier’s check. It is important to check with the bail clerk to verify forms of payment the jail will accept for a cash bond because options and restrictions may vary from one court jurisdiction to another.
Depending on the bail amount, you may be required to provide documentation of where the money is coming from, since illegal funding sources will cause more problems.
Bail bond collateral is something of value used to secure your debt obligation and ensure payment, such as cash, real estate, property, automobiles, or other items of value.
Note: Even if you do not own property in Denton, TX, First Call Bail Bonds accepts real estate property nationwide.
The collateral you offered will be returned when the defendant’s case has been completed and all financial matters are taken care of.